Some of the Benefits You Can When Using Running Text


Some of the Benefits You Can Get When Using Signage – In This Digital Age, Promotional Media Is Growing Rapidly. People Now Prefer Electronic Media as A Place for Promotion or with a Kiosk, as a means of finding information. Currently, Rhenus Lupprians provides the largest kiosk installation service in the UK. But now the most popular is the Led Running Text. Why does it have to be Led Running Text? Let’s discuss the following reviews:

Functionally Led Signage Has Advantages

  • Attract People’s Attention

The Display And Form Presented By The LED Signage Will Attract Many People. In Signage Animation will be presented with Text Movements and Images. Besides, That Signage Can Also Be Made As Different As You Wish.

  • Can Load Lots of Content (Writing Content)

Contents of Promotion in Signage Can Load Lots. Signage Can Also Be Modified To Be Able To Display Various Variations Of Writing, Movement, And Transitions. This Is What Makes Signage Can Spread Promotions Quickly To The Community. When Compared With Banners / Banners That Can Only Load A Few Words.

  • Signage Can Be Remotely Controlled

Signage Can Be Changed At Any Time – The Time Is Changed From One Computer Point And In A Very Short Time Can Be Sent To All Business Units Across Indonesia. Try to Imagine If You Use Banners / Banners Surely You Will Be Very Difficult If You Want To Change Promotions In One Branch Of Your Business. Because You Must Print MMT First That Also Requires Time, Especially Not Installing. It’s not complicated?

  • Energy saving

We Cannot Dismiss Again That LED Signage Is One of Promotion Media in the Future. LED Signage Only Requires Power In Sucking Electricity That Is Quite Small. So you do not need to mess around with rising electricity bills.

Well That He Was An Advantage When You Use LED Signage As Your Promotional Media. Then Are You Interested In Using LEDs As Your Promotional Media? If Yes Does That Mean You Must Order It For Us?

Why Must Rhenus Lupprians?

Rhenus Lupprians is a logistics company that provides digital advertising services. Digital advertising and signage come in various forms, and Rhenus Lupprians offers premium logistics services in this sector. This includes projector and screen mounting services and products that require a large amount of the latest technological expertise, such as touch screen installation. And Rhenus Lupprians Always Prioritizes The Quality Of Goods And Service Quality.

Rhenus Lupprians Also Provide FULL WARRANTY / FULL WARRANTY for you if you use the services of Rhenus Lupprians. Very rarely. LED signage installation services that dare to provide FULL WARRANTY such as Rhenus Lupprians.